Ashley’s Blog

February 29, 2008

Monday’s a Bitch No. 2 (Catching Up)

Filed under: Monday's a Bitch — Tags: , , — Ashley @ 9:19 pm

1. Did you watch the Oscars last night? What did you think of them?

Nope, I didn’t get a chance to catch them. I’m glad that Diablo Cody was successful though.

2. Have you ever called in sick to work when you weren’t really sick? What did you spend the day doing instead?

Well, I did call in sick to school a couple of times. And I did leave work early claiming I was sick when I really wasn’t. Instead I went and got some food, then shopped.

3. In school did you ever have to serve detention? What for?

Nope, not once.

4. Have you ever had food poisoning? What did you eat that caused it?

I can’t remember if I have.

5. Do you have any tattoos? If not, would you ever consider getting one?

Nope, no tattoos yet, but I want to get a strawberry sometime. I just don’t know where yet.

February 11, 2008

Curious as a Cat # 1

Filed under: curious as a cat — Tags: , , — Ashley @ 10:23 pm

1. If you could know the location of any person’s soul, whose would you like to know?

I honestly wouldn’t care. I would ask for any random person’s soul location just so I could make sure there is no heaven or hell.

2. When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?

I honestly don’t know if I ever have screamed at the top of my lungs. I’m a relatively quiet person.

3. What is the most beautiful word in the English language? The least?

I think that the most beautiful word is “eloquent”. The least beautiful word I would have to say is “humbug”.

4. What is the most cowardly thing you have done?

I think that it just involves not standing up for myself. I let a lot of things slide when I was younger.

Monday’s a Bitch # 1

Filed under: Monday's a Bitch — Tags: , , , , — Ashley @ 10:19 pm

1. Who would you cast in your ideal romantic comedy?

Scarlett Johanson all the way. Not only is she absolutely beautiful, but she is a great actress as well.

2. What is your favorite new millennium love ballad?

Hmmm… that’s a tough one because I’m not totally into love ballads… I’ll have to say none on this one.

3. What is your opinion on public displays of affection?

I really don’t care what people do to each other in public, so long as all articles of clothing are in their proper place.

4. What do you think of giving gifts to family on Valentine’s day? Did you get gifts from parents?

I think it’s a good idea to cheer up family members who would not otherwise get anything. I used to get candy and stuffed animals from my parents.

5. What sentimental gesture makes you want to throw up?

People singing to each other. I do not want my boyfriend to play me a song on his guitar and make up lyrics to go with it. Too cheesy for me, and I would just be embarrassed.

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